2023 Volunteer Service Trip

Our service trip was incredible, and showed how much support we have for our ongoing project. Click to read about all we did on our last trip.

Day 1 - We flew into Lima and had the morning to explore. The coast is so beautiful. We flew to Cusco in the afternoon, and had dinner in the evening.

Day 2 - We went to Cusco Red Norte to show the government how extensive our project is. The government discussed signing an official agreement, to finalize paperwork for verbal agreements made to the project.

Day 3 - After having some time to acclimate to the elevation, we drove to Lares, the town with the closest healthcare clinic. At 2 PM on a Tuesday, we tried to get into the health clinic, however, they were closed for lunch. After about an hour, we were able to tour the facility that provided healthcare for 11 different communities, including Huacahuasi. Following the clinic tour, we made the trek on foot from Lares into Huacahuasi which took around 3 hours. After dinner, everyone went to bed exhausted.

Day 4 - We spent the day getting to work, know, and meet people within the community of Huacahuasi. In the morning, we donated some school supplies to the preschool, where the little kiddos sang some songs in Quechua. Later, we joined a large community meeting where we donated 5 Kg of rice per family, that would help with food for the month. We also assisted with a community reforestation project and planted trees. The women of the town brought their artisanal goods and we bought so many beautiful weavings. In the afternoon, we met with the community leaders and discussed the proceedings of the clinic and how we can best support their visions. To end the day, a woman from the community came to the hotel, hearing that someone from our trip was a doctor. She had a severe burn and because of how secluded the community is, it would have been difficult to walk to Lares. Luckily the physician on the team could help but it further shows the necessity of a clinic in Huacahuasi.

Day 5 - This was the second day in Huacahuasi! We started the day with a hike to the village waterfall and afterwards stopped by Aquilino’s, the community leader’s house. He spent nine years constructing his own hotel with running water and has had visitors from all over the world. Huacahuasi rarely introduces new businesses and trades, so his hotel was extremely impressive. After that we headed to the preschool again where we helped prepare a lunch of trout and rice for the kiddos, paid for by Sisters Project Peru! Food is scarce in the community other than the local potatoes so it was good to have a nutritious meal. Next we headed back to the lodge and participated in a Peruvian cooking class (the best decorated one is pictured). To end the day we hiked up 1000 feet to an alpaca farm and were able to see all of the cute grazing alpacas!

Day 6 - On our last day in Huacahuasi, we said our goodbyes in Huacahuasi then headed back to Cusco. From there our group embarked on side quests: one half heading to Machu Picchu and the other heading to Rainbow mountain. We all had a blast and then made the long journey back to the USA. Thank you for everyone who came on the trip, followed along, or have donated to our cause. We are so thankful for everyone and appreciate all the support. We can’t wait to go again next year and hopefully start clinic construction!


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